North Korea; Syria; US election; “9/11”; Vladimir Putin; effects of rising vibrations; love; fear; sending light; robotic, jobs; twin souls; evolving family structure
Cause of increased violence; US presidency; BREXIT, European Union in Illuminati context; light; refugees; natural disasters; alternative healthcare practitioners, whistleblowers; damaged souls; auras
Energy field of potential; light in elections; assurance, no nuclear war; Earth as a schoolhouse; mass shootings in the United States; knowing world happenings; free will; karmic experiences; lightworkers, societal progress; sending love-light
North Korea; President Putin; Zika virus, microcephaly; refugees; challenges; “true self”; what happens to souls: lingering near Earth, abortion, suicide
Climate change agreement; chemtrails; ozone layer; economy; energy in regions of conflict; Islam; religious history, future; mass shootings, karma; Pope Francis, Barack Obama; “authorities”; 9/11 message; vibrations, politics