North Korea; Syria; US election; “9/11”; Vladimir Putin; effects of rising vibrations; love; fear; sending light; robotic, jobs; twin souls; evolving family structure
Climate change agreement; chemtrails; ozone layer; economy; energy in regions of conflict; Islam; religious history, future; mass shootings, karma; Pope Francis, Barack Obama; “authorities”; 9/11 message; vibrations, politics
Effects of hope, optimism; feelings during holiday season; patience during transitional stages; soul-level preparedness to deal with economy; proof of off-planet assistance; active involvement in change processes; "harmonic wave"; density's two meanings; human DNA; methods of "dumbing down"; divisiveness of labels; consciousness of everything in existence; importance of art; effects of music; aspects of Christmas 2008
Global economic situation, ultimate outcome; Sarah Palin; why Obama will be US president; “Impending Event Alert”; predictions that won’t materialize; bad dreams; chiropractic philosophy; diet, health, Golden Age; energy of ascended masters, others; only off-planet light beings near our solar system; “behind the scenes” of Gustav, Ike; Pakistan suicide bombing “black ops”
Libby indictment; no bird flu, martial law or new warfronts; warmonger is the Illuminati; truth of “9/11” will come out; “purest” truth is within each soul; Fitzgerald protected; “peak oil” a dark contrivance; changes during planet’s transitional phase; linear time collapsing; beloved animals ascend with Earth
ET light beings vigilant; pre-election activity from high light vantage point; “energy bump” after election; individual and collective karma still in effect; dire environmental predictions will not come to pass; why we must ask for ET assistance beyond Earth’s own requests
Illuminati control of mainstream media beginning to crack; the President Bush seen publicly is a clone; infighting of the two Illuminati factions in US politics; recent entertainment showing “quest for truth”; minor funding changes starting; love will eliminate oppressive aspects of cultures and religions; discernment of all information essential; geophysical events to continue; the importance of sending love-light to all souls, judging none
Do not go into fear over fear-filled reports; manipulation of economies; US bankrupt; ETs' technology prevents major terrorist threats; reasons to suspect US administration in 9/11