Effects of energy surges; pace of progress; spiritual messengers’ experience; lightworkers’ service; events that won’t happen; sonic wave; flight MH370; Khazarians; Pope Francis’ visit to US; angelic realms
Energy surge 11/11/11; Illuminati activities will wind down; fear; origin and purpose of free will and karma; how negativity began; Creator's amendments to Its law of free will; importance of balance; God's explanation; goal of all souls; first, second density life forms; model communities
Stock markets; Murdoch's media empire; plight of Somalis; riots in England; US Congress; duality's last gasp; US President Obama; lightworkers' readiness, missions; changes ahead; aspects of the Golden Age; explanation of densities; unseen helpers
Emotions intensified in this season; angels' presence; ascension on target; changes to come swiftly; unions in higher densities; pets ascend with families; employment in Golden Age; Wikileaks; telepathic communication; relationships in the continuum