Many souls completing 3D karmic lessons; waves of discomfort; balance, value of Nature; animals: energy, importance to human evolution, effects of darkness; Ukraine; global economy
Light regaining momentum; lightworkers’ progress; Afghanistan; importance of truth about US presidential election; new global economic system factors; diet; animals’ and humankind’s soul level agreement; animal and plant kingdoms
Earth as “emotional schoolhouse”; emotions about world affairs; lightworkers’ help; unity in love response to bigotry; animals: souls, evolution, importance to humankind, visualization
North Korea; Iran agreement; asteroid impacting Earth; animals; simultaneous lifetimes; autism, dementia, vaccines; special counsel’s investigation; status of cabal; importance of words
No war in Ukraine; eventually peace in Israel, Palestine; Africa; negativity; consciousness; no nuclear war, reason; restoration of shattered souls; animals’ importance in a civilization’s evolvement; whales; light in compassion, gratitude