February 3, 2007

Iraq war escalation an Illuminati decision; no full-scale war in Iran; ET technology reducing worst effects of pollution; global warming leading to moderate global climate; guideline for trusting intuition; love, key to all healing; benefits of monatomic gold; adverse effects of vaccines, prescription drugs; tribal use of hallucinogens; helping animals end suffering; goddess energy

April 7, 2006

Incursions into Iran possible, no full-scale war; dark force field gone, influence of Earth puppets waning; global warming leading to moderate climates globally; souls from other civilizations completing third density karmic experiencing on Earth, "volunteer" ETs also on planet; majority of people are adding light; global economy; everything in the universe has consciousness level; appearance of albino animals heralds peace

December 11, 2005

Brilliant light of hope and gratitude; reforms momentum continues; participation in Earth’s ascendance a tribute to our soul evolution; “String Theory”; technological devices; “Little Greys”; easing into the continuum; sex, sexuality, relationships; animals’ evolution, emotional range

November 1, 2005

Libby indictment; no bird flu, martial law or new warfronts; warmonger is the Illuminati; truth of “9/11” will come out; “purest” truth is within each soul; Fitzgerald protected; “peak oil” a dark contrivance; changes during planet’s transitional phase; linear time collapsing; beloved animals ascend with Earth

May 28, 2004

Creating fear the objective of publicizing terrorist threats; CIA "Black Ops"; dire predictions invalid; animals on Earth, just as in Nirvana, will live peaceably together; significance of Venus in alignment with Earth; planets are evolving souls
2020-10-10T20:49:41+00:00August 28, 2011|animals, fear, karma, media, Nirvana, predictions, souls|

April 20, 2004

Dark forces' fear causes desperate acts; light increasingly exposing deceit and corruption; light and dark reptilians on Earth; NESARA's intent; negativity caused by inhumane treatment of animals; transitional steps to a better world; microchips; ET prevention of major terrorist attempts
2020-10-10T20:52:13+00:00August 28, 2011|animals, dark forces, negativity, NESARA, reptilians|
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