Vaccinations; 5G technology; Donald Trump: president, person; responsibility to destroy Illuminati network, world transformation; ET assistance; Disclosure
North Korea; Iran agreement; asteroid impacting Earth; animals; simultaneous lifetimes; autism, dementia, vaccines; special counsel’s investigation; status of cabal; importance of words
Egypt, Tunisia; lightworkers; living your light; economic systems, next reforms; other areas of change; telepathic connections, guidance; discernment, guidance; free will; soulmates
Iraq war escalation an Illuminati decision; no full-scale war in Iran; ET technology reducing worst effects of pollution; global warming leading to moderate global climate; guideline for trusting intuition; love, key to all healing; benefits of monatomic gold; adverse effects of vaccines, prescription drugs; tribal use of hallucinogens; helping animals end suffering; goddess energy
North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan; Earth's ascension on target despite lingering darkness; higher frequencies magnifying feelings, October 17 light event; Israel, Zionists; Ecoli no scare; US political scene; reptilians; purpose of SDI; dementia, ADHD
No all-out war Israel-Lebanon; factors behind Mideast violence; prevention of NYC subway bombing a “tall tale”; original, amended soul contracts; Fitzgerald, Plame/Wilson lawsuit; discernment, trusting intuition imperative; some channeled information from dark sources; Buffet’s “generosity”; Adam, energy healer; “ultimate encouragement”
"Bird flu" movie to be on ABC network; inoculations; no comet-Earth collision; Iraq war; Illuminati membership, activities; Muslim religion; soul contracts of people affected by depleting uranium; sending light; health situations; meat in diets
Don’t fear lab-made bird flu virus; mainstream media reporting anti-administration news; climate changes leading to Earth’s restoration; Asian earthquake: volunteer souls aid planetary cleansing activity; re-educating adults about “new world”; changes ahead in children’s education; suggestions, guidance for parents of children with autism or ADHD; the economy; therapy for healing psyches; love in action