Two plane crashes; many languages’ effects on communication, interaction; labels; masculine and feminine energies; power of words; measles, vaccines; pornography
US presidency; no Russia, China war with US; UN Security Council vote re: Israel; weather anomalies, geophysical incidents; information source re: hacked emails; Illuminati status; spiritual, conscious advancement; ET assistance; lightworkers, love energy
Climate change agreement; chemtrails; ozone layer; economy; energy in regions of conflict; Islam; religious history, future; mass shootings, karma; Pope Francis, Barack Obama; “authorities”; 9/11 message; vibrations, politics
Souls awakening; intended purpose of US independence; Illuminati defectors; 3D karmic completion; chemtrails; manmade weather; telepathic connections; Elenin disinformation; effects of fear; preparation for multidimensionality
Assurance vs. fear-mongering; no nuclear war; duality winding down; a staged “space invasion”?; prepare children for the future; Earth happenings affect the universe; chemtrails; reforestation; animal extinction; animals’ angels; souls helping others in financial adversity; a “heavenly” birthday
Media reporting; legal processes against top officials in US government; explosives in London cars “black-ops”; discernment, intuition; religious dogmas; ego; relationships; chemtrails; independence from external information sources; distractions; DNA changes; the Holocaust in universal context; indications of light within souls; disarming fear
Iraq war escalation an Illuminati decision; no full-scale war in Iran; ET technology reducing worst effects of pollution; global warming leading to moderate global climate; guideline for trusting intuition; love, key to all healing; benefits of monatomic gold; adverse effects of vaccines, prescription drugs; tribal use of hallucinogens; helping animals end suffering; goddess energy
No tsunami as predicted; don’t lapse into fear; importance of discernment; frenetic energy when dark lies revealed; indictments coming; Moussaoi trial; “hooker-gate”; loyal CIA vs. Illuminati-controlled faction; darkness in the Vatican; religious devout reactions; telepathic communication; mass consciousness; Morgellons disease