Traditions of the season; illusion, reality; media; racism, protests in the US; national unrest; karmic choices; release of CIA report; abusive behavior; music
Positive developments; love-light energy; ascension, health, densities; US government “shutdown”; NSA intelligence gathering; US military officers discharged; Illuminati-controlled CIA faction; marijuana; President Obama, Affordable Healthcare Act; the economy; forgiveness
Effects of hope, optimism; feelings during holiday season; patience during transitional stages; soul-level preparedness to deal with economy; proof of off-planet assistance; active involvement in change processes; "harmonic wave"; density's two meanings; human DNA; methods of "dumbing down"; divisiveness of labels; consciousness of everything in existence; importance of art; effects of music; aspects of Christmas 2008
Global economic situation, ultimate outcome; Sarah Palin; why Obama will be US president; “Impending Event Alert”; predictions that won’t materialize; bad dreams; chiropractic philosophy; diet, health, Golden Age; energy of ascended masters, others; only off-planet light beings near our solar system; “behind the scenes” of Gustav, Ike; Pakistan suicide bombing “black ops”
US primaries; the economy, changes; Illuminati group, control crashing; ethanol; Internet; importance of sound; turmoil, violence in third density and universal contexts; other civilizations’ help in world transformation
North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan; Earth's ascension on target despite lingering darkness; higher frequencies magnifying feelings, October 17 light event; Israel, Zionists; Ecoli no scare; US political scene; reptilians; purpose of SDI; dementia, ADHD