Karma, reunions; cells, DNA; communication with cells; lightworkers with different DNA, capabilities; mind control, programming; Russia, President Putin; US President Trump; directing energy
Divisiveness, unity; resolution of vibrations’ “standoff”; effects of Women’s March,
travel ban; fear; Bernie Sanders; reason messages include political situations; reason messages
aren’t more frequent; intuition; love
North Korea; Syria; US election; “9/11”; Vladimir Putin; effects of rising vibrations; love; fear; sending light; robotic, jobs; twin souls; evolving family structure
Other types of chemical warfare; Illuminati, dictators; Illuminati in US history; Iran; evidence of light’s progress; recap, Golden Age master plan; magnified behavior, balancing process; peace within is the way to world peace
Storm Sandy not manmade; law of attraction is cause of current turmoil; energy streamer attachments; political ideologies; reason Earth is ascending; Obama, Golden Age master plan; society in the Golden Age; changes in relationships, the economy; truth is in soul's messages to consciousness