Ascension process on target; Earth’s destination fifth density; ongoing ET assistance; disclosure process; Hatonn: Obama reelection key to ET arrival, Golden Age master plan; fear deters soul evolvement
No terrorism at Olympics; reasons ETs may arrive sooner than planned; effects of vibrations on Earth clashing with higher frequencies; fear and duality; power outage in India; shooting in Colorado, USA; ETS honor lightworkers; prepare for Golden Age
Fear subsiding in collective consciousness; divine grace in karmic completion; light forces' success against Illuminati; developments in coming months; Zionism; duality, divisiveness; family pre-birth agreements; children living in Nirvana
Effects of negative thoughts; dispelling fear; evidence of light's progress; reasons for delay in initiating major reforms; cause of global "hum"; chakras; new monetary system; science vs universal reality; sex in fifth density; gods and goddesses
Energy surge 11/11/11; Illuminati activities will wind down; fear; origin and purpose of free will and karma; how negativity began; Creator's amendments to Its law of free will; importance of balance; God's explanation; goal of all souls; first, second density life forms; model communities
Illuminati status; forthcoming truths; uneasiness; vibrations, law of attraction; how prayer works; Golden Age dates; density, two definitions; planet and population; effects of sound, words
Stock markets; Murdoch's media empire; plight of Somalis; riots in England; US Congress; duality's last gasp; US President Obama; lightworkers' readiness, missions; changes ahead; aspects of the Golden Age; explanation of densities; unseen helpers
Souls awakening; intended purpose of US independence; Illuminati defectors; 3D karmic completion; chemtrails; manmade weather; telepathic connections; Elenin disinformation; effects of fear; preparation for multidimensionality
Golden Age threshhold on target; reasons for imminent arrival of space family; effects of high and low frequencies, suggestions for relief; spiritual perspective of dark ones on the planet; no mass exodus during Earth's ascension; lightworkers' participation in world transformation