North Korea; Iran agreement; asteroid impacting Earth; animals; simultaneous lifetimes; autism, dementia, vaccines; special counsel’s investigation; status of cabal; importance of words
Positive developments; love-light energy; ascension, health, densities; US government “shutdown”; NSA intelligence gathering; US military officers discharged; Illuminati-controlled CIA faction; marijuana; President Obama, Affordable Healthcare Act; the economy; forgiveness
Feelings of light beings in spirit worlds; duality in humankind ending; importance of synchronicity; acceleration in all aspects of life; responsibility to Self; Hatonn: October 14 appearance of large space ship; telepathic communication; preparation for ascension; diet; addicts; world transformation on steady course
Golden Age view of Earth; dark plans won't reach fruition; effects of frequencies/pollution, ways to relieve symptoms; global economy, national leadership reforms; energy field of potential; soul, cumulative soul
Holiday season emotions; overview of changes during 2008; increased need for precautions in all undertakings; necessity of learning discernment, trusting intuition; new approach to questions and answers
New energy momentum for peace; Illuminati influence, control waning; energy that delays progress of change; young and older leaders appearing; power of words; importance of monatomic gold in bodies; de-evolution of DNA; origin of Earth’s spirit world; soul contract possible reason for illness; future potential for people in health care fields; this lifetime is last opportunity to complete third density karma on Earth
Plane-bombing plot more ruse, deception; NO nuclear war in Lebanon; Zionists don’t represent most Israelis, Jews; economic outlook, resources reallocation; geophysical events, “global warming”; repeal of unjust laws worldwide; Matthew’s requests regarding questions; cremation, burial; US November election; effects of feminine/goddess energy; illness, aging outlook
Reaction is a choice; results of fear; advice to energy healers and telepathic receivers; light workers, light weavers; Rove result “skullduggery”; likely course of truth emerging; celestial activity; we’re innately prepared for transitional “bumps”; military draft outlook; ELM effects; immigration reform in US; Feng Shui; key to relationships; archangels, other spirit helpers; prayer.