Egypt, Tunisia; lightworkers; living your light; economic systems, next reforms; other areas of change; telepathic connections, guidance; discernment, guidance; free will; soulmates
Tucson, AZ shooting; mass deaths of birds, fish; manmade weather; Wikileaks' effect; Haiti; pole shift; human cloning; soul contracts, multiple lifetimes; 2012/Golden Age misconceptions, reality
Gulf of Mexico oil spill; grassroots efforts for "green world"; truth disclosures speeding up; Earth's energy field of potential; Illuminati, clones; astrological influences; history, new direction of religions
“Recalcitrant” souls; more about 2012; destructive politics; release of small funds; restoration of Earth—changes to anticipate; soul-less clones; ET assistance during and after Earth’s ascension into fourth density
Illuminati control of mainstream media beginning to crack; the President Bush seen publicly is a clone; infighting of the two Illuminati factions in US politics; recent entertainment showing “quest for truth”; minor funding changes starting; love will eliminate oppressive aspects of cultures and religions; discernment of all information essential; geophysical events to continue; the importance of sending love-light to all souls, judging none