April 26, 2010

SEC vs. Goldman Sachs; Illuminati—composition, past and current activities; reptilians; lawsuit against pedophile Boy Scout leader; Iceland’s volcanic eruption; plane crash, death of Poland’s president, et al; tea party movement; economic concerns, resolution; presence of spirits; music in Golden Age; effects of gun use on soul growth; life forms designed with malevolence; enough souls for fetuses; Global Love Day May 1

December 17, 2009

Light of sharing; Norway phenomenon ET produced; Obama; energy for change growing worldwide; life in Heaven; the soul, soul reunions; prayers; universal law of attraction; karma; Earth humankind origin; whales; animal evolution; message from 9/11 souls; love, fear; convictions create; peace coming; direct connection with God; synchronicity; ET helpers
2020-10-10T16:08:08+00:00January 12, 2012|animals, emotions, ET assistance, fear, government, karma, lightworkers, Nirvana, souls|

June 2, 2007

US budget bill vote; presidential authority executive order; wildlife deaths; cetacean souls, energy; poisoned pet food; dreams of violence; say "no" to fear; amended soul contracts; health risks from cell phones and other products; examples of belief systems' effectiveness; marijuana; "fast track" education for young children

January 7, 2007

New energy momentum for peace; Illuminati influence, control waning; energy that delays progress of change; young and older leaders appearing; power of words; importance of monatomic gold in bodies; de-evolution of DNA; origin of Earth’s spirit world; soul contract possible reason for illness; future potential for people in health care fields; this lifetime is last opportunity to complete third density karma on Earth

June 19, 2006

Reaction is a choice; results of fear; advice to energy healers and telepathic receivers; light workers, light weavers; Rove result “skullduggery”; likely course of truth emerging; celestial activity; we’re innately prepared for transitional “bumps”; military draft outlook; ELM effects; immigration reform in US; Feng Shui; key to relationships; archangels, other spirit helpers; prayer.

November 17, 2005

No bird flu, nuclear detonations in space, or land/sea mass changes; light-dark battle is for souls; the Illuminati; soul messages; Bush administration crumbling; barter; star gates; organ transplants; religion vs. spirituality; being spiritually prepared; "11s"; life in the Golden Era

November 1, 2005

Libby indictment; no bird flu, martial law or new warfronts; warmonger is the Illuminati; truth of “9/11” will come out; “purest” truth is within each soul; Fitzgerald protected; “peak oil” a dark contrivance; changes during planet’s transitional phase; linear time collapsing; beloved animals ascend with Earth

May 28, 2004

Creating fear the objective of publicizing terrorist threats; CIA "Black Ops"; dire predictions invalid; animals on Earth, just as in Nirvana, will live peaceably together; significance of Venus in alignment with Earth; planets are evolving souls
2020-10-10T20:49:41+00:00August 28, 2011|animals, fear, karma, media, Nirvana, predictions, souls|
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