Climate change agreement; chemtrails; ozone layer; economy; energy in regions of conflict; Islam; religious history, future; mass shootings, karma; Pope Francis, Barack Obama; “authorities”; 9/11 message; vibrations, politics
Effects of energy surges; pace of progress; spiritual messengers’ experience; lightworkers’ service; events that won’t happen; sonic wave; flight MH370; Khazarians; Pope Francis’ visit to US; angelic realms
Insects; international cooperation; active September; Pope Francis; Cecil the lion; global politics; eternal soul; God, Creator; soul, personage makeup; manifestation; dark souls, lost souls, root souls; soul communication, brain, mind; long-life DNA programming
Current happenings purposeful; momentum in Earth’s energy field of potential; China; “Jade Helm”; Large Hadron Collider; shooting, South Carolina church; transgender; natural disasters; Rockefeller, Rothschild Illuminati factions; solar flares; karmic choices; personal ascension
Robot landing on comet; voting in SE Ukraine; mid-term election in the US; Pope Francis, the Vatican; Putin’s speech; message from God; “reneging” souls
Vladimir Putin, Ukraine; China-Russia business deal; racism, history; Barack Obama; war veterans’ healthcare, warring; Pope Francis; the “event”; vibrations of words; love