Light’s progress; reports about the economy, other grave-sounding speculations; God: free will, who He is, who we are, what is ahead for souls on Earth
Ukraine, Russia; vaccination pushback; no WWIII; holographic ET “invasion”; possible “potholes and bumps”; volunteers: selection, numbers, missions, longevity, ET special forces
Earth as “emotional schoolhouse”; emotions about world affairs; lightworkers’ help; unity in love response to bigotry; animals: souls, evolution, importance to humankind, visualization
World situation, near future; international group moving forward; abortion, souls taking turns in a developing body; anti-Semitism; feminine energy balancing masculine; space exploration
Divisiveness, unity; resolution of vibrations’ “standoff”; effects of Women’s March,
travel ban; fear; Bernie Sanders; reason messages include political situations; reason messages
aren’t more frequent; intuition; love
No war in Ukraine; eventually peace in Israel, Palestine; Africa; negativity; consciousness; no nuclear war, reason; restoration of shattered souls; animals’ importance in a civilization’s evolvement; whales; light in compassion, gratitude