Matthew’s Messages

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  • New higher frequencies; advancement in conscious awareness; uprooting darkness; med beds; solar flash, days of darkness, photon belt
  • Basis for Earth reaching 5D in 35-40 years: part of universal changes; development evident in the continuum; importance of animals; karmic merry-go-round stopped; balanced energies; climate change; souls with crystalline cells, multiple DNA strands
  • God’s greeting; “mysterious drones”; upcoming changes; animals; volunteers; differences in physical and spirit worlds
  • Seasonal vibrations; US presidential election; Illuminati opposition; weather warfare; Antarctica
  • Ending of light vs. dark battle on Earth; volunteers’ part; effects of fear; light forces; “lost” memory; special treatment for some souls, healing, karma
  • End times for evildoing; prepare for truths, changes; no WWIII; assassination attempt on Trump’s life, election; enlightening receptive people; the soul, reincarnation
  • Long-time lightworkers; Illuminati setbacks; G/NESARA, Saint Germain; Rockefeller faction; ET event: questions, facts; critical mass theory; choices, opposites, vibrations; telepathic communication: people, animals and plants
  • Acceleration speeding up; 12 DNA strands: incremental activation of dormant strands, individual basis, profound changes and capabilities; telepathic communication: how it works, possible beginnings, guidance; Barack Obama; Donald Trump
  • Breathing; current status; divine plan; karma; law of attraction; message from Gaia; ET assistance
  • Love-light: origin; operation; souls, characteristics, universe; DNA, crystalline cells; immunity, healing; vibrations; myriad expressions
  • Reported and non-reported happenings; love in action; doubles, AI clones; White Hats; climate change; healing Earth
  • Arnold: Anticipation of action during years ahead
  • Upcoming happenings; assistance to volunteers; self-love; mission; emotional baggage; universal and cosmic justice
  • Aspects of ascension and densities; awakening process; advancing in awareness; light vs dark battle
  • Third, fourth and fifth densities
  • Energy of the season; divine grace; soul contract choices vs actual experiencing; importance of thoughts; two major categories of thoughts; unity consciousness
  • Attack on Israel: Illuminati, Netanyahu, retaliation, response; universal councils; awakened populace; power of intention; hope; intelligence, belief
  • Perception; energy: neutral, attachments, masculine and feminine, Luciferian; time; astrology; love, self-love
  • AI: films, clones, eventual uses, universally; transgenderism; climate change claims; spiritual and conscious awareness; G/NESARA
  • ET special forces member: remedying darkness-caused evil, ET assistance, planetary and personal developments, completion timeline; ET special forces; reptilians; lightworkers
  • Light’s progress; Illuminati fortunes; lightworkers; Creator; origin of the universe, souls, good, evil; entry of reptilians
  • Light’s progress; reports about the economy, other grave-sounding speculations; God: free will, who He is, who we are, what is ahead for souls on Earth
  • Light vs dark progress; lightworkers as mentors; ET spacecraft landings when safety is assured; sending love-light; false information; densities; some evolved civilizations
  • Light vs dark battle; needless fears; potential lockdown; volunteers’ helpers; intuition, discernment; effects of intensifying light
  • Many souls completing 3D karmic lessons; waves of discomfort; balance, value of Nature; animals: energy, importance to human evolution, effects of darkness; Ukraine; global economy
  • Escalating activity; NESARA/GNESARA; truths will emerge incrementally; Gaia’s ascension pace; tomorrow’s circumstances, leaders; crystalline cells; DNA
  • GOD: game-changing year; rough patches ahead; beliefs; who I am, what I do; differences between Creator and me; universal laws
  • Energy field of potential; message from ET on Earth; awakening souls; steps into Earth’s Golden Age; “legal” killing; courts; lost souls
  • Last act of light vs darkness; Illuminati; Earth’s axis; incoming love-light; Satanists; hatred; forgiveness; reptilians; Queen Elizabeth II
  • Light-love energy, effects; Sol; Ukraine situation; documents in Trump’s home; chemtrails, weather manipulation; pestilence; ET crews; cellular memories; opinion, judgment; doubles; photon belt; devic kingdom
  • Uprooting darkness on target; what is upcoming; “pandemic”; prayers, thoughts; light distribution; mantra; how, when previous civilizations perished; vibrations; climate change
  • Vibrations; progress; possible military intervention in the US; acceleration mode; Illuminati global network; dark forces; universal operation; puppets
  • Effects of darkness; extraterrestrial assistance; Russia, Ukraine; low vibrations; ongoing action; Elon Musk; abortion
  • Message from Gaia; truths will come forth; vibrations; Ukraine; politics; China; various concerns
  • Light’s unstoppable momentum; Ukraine, Illuminati entrenchments; Putin’s double; “stealth omicron”; law of attraction; education, current and future
  • Ukraine, Russia; vaccination pushback; no WWIII; holographic ET “invasion”; possible “potholes and bumps”; volunteers: selection, numbers, missions, longevity, ET special forces
  • Effects of acceleration mode; progress; introspection; information people need to know
  • God: “game-changer” year ahead, disserving members of universal family, Creator’s gift of free will, ET help, peace; Gaia: her journey home, gratitude and love for lightworkers’ help; God: wants us to know him and Gaia, well-prepared lightworkers; Matthew: truths will emerge incrementally, evidence of “pandemic” possible prior to mid-year
  • More civilizations beaming light; everything being accelerated; new virus released, its message; Illuminati activity likely; arrests, prosecutions; reminders for celebrating life
  • Transitioning souls; increased light from evolved civilizations, effects; thinning Illuminati ranks; spiritual warfare, light forces vs. dark; how darkness held souls captive, lingering effects
  • Old systems crumbling; ending covid; happenings behind the scenes; potential stormy period; US government, complexities; “souls at this station”; Nirvana
  • Light regaining momentum; lightworkers’ progress; Afghanistan; importance of truth about US presidential election; new global economic system factors; diet; animals’ and humankind’s soul level agreement; animal and plant kingdoms
  • Vaccinations; Delta variant; masks; medical establishment; conspiracy theories; visualization; climate change; awareness; ascension
  • BEing; reality, illusion; belief; third density beliefs; clones; fake ET invasion
  • Rising vibrations—linear time, behavior, impact on bodies; “pandemic” backlash; medical specialists’ contradictory information; Illuminati control of healthcare; vaccinated, unvaccinated; power of the people
  • Discovery processes; “alone”; effects of rising vibrations, stress; Global Love Day; beliefs; introduction, adjustment to Nirvana
  • Vaccines, other covid-related issues; energy; lightworkers
  • Divine plan for Earth; US government reformation, G/NESARA; reason for political emphasis; power of love; free will; honoring Gaia’s choices; adjusting to higher planes of energy; discerning true or false information
  • Light forces’ mission, more secure new course; US governance; NESARA history; Putin, Pope Francis; covid, vaccines; crystalline cells
  • 2012 – 2020; changes forthcoming; Illuminati control ending; awakened souls, advancement; free will; covid situation; lightworkers
  • Seasonal thoughts, feelings; covid-19: statistics, masks, tests, vaccine; rebelling citizenries; US election; imminent changes; unconditional love
  • Energy field of potential activity; what Earth needs; predictions; vibrations; dark ones’ lifeprint reviews; emergence of truths
  • Balanced energy; feminine energy; Illuminati; conflict outcomes; lightworkers’ choices; holographic invasion; “prison planet”
  • Protests continue, more darkness comes to light; personal growth; labels, divisiveness; conspiracy theory; coronavirus
  • Covid-19: specialists’ information, surging statistics; peaceful demonstration infiltrators; reptilians; little greys; angels; “walk-ins”; clones; visitors, settlers from other civilizations; light grid
  • Protests against racism; coronavirus, principals; Q, Qanon; rescue of children; human sacrifice; emotions; love
  • Coronavirus and Deep State: media, mind control, law of attraction, vibrations; Internet information; US President Trump; three messages from the virus
  • Coronavirus: positive aspects, questions, Illuminati involvement; lightworkers; NESARA/GESARA
  • Coronavirus: effects, aftermath
  • Energy field of potential; coronavirus; love-light energy: void in dark ones, sending, absorbing; prayer; trees
  • Coronavirus; US elections; ascension: planetary, personal; light; soul helpers
  • Fires in Australia; prayer, visualization; no WWIII; energy attachments; US presidents Obama, Trump; lightworkers: fatigue, encouragement, importance
  • Love energy spreading, love “in action”; vibrations of words, intentions; effects of music; importance of trees; Creator Source
  • Factors in ending all dark activities; divine plan on target; sending light to dark ones, judgment; plant-based diet, GMO foods; speculations, predictions; today in context of history
  • Chemtrails; climate change; Creator, God: differences; soul lineage, spiritual evolution; free will, manifestation
  • Message from ET volunteer; Earth: schoolhouse, prison; visualizing: sports, other ways; ascended masters; direct connection with God
  • Earth as “emotional schoolhouse”; emotions about world affairs; lightworkers’ help; unity in love response to bigotry; animals: souls, evolution, importance to humankind, visualization
  • Light’s healing vibrations, sources; collective consciousness, energy field of potential, manifestation; extreme weather; California earthquakes
  • World situation, near future; international group moving forward; abortion, souls taking turns in a developing body; anti-Semitism; feminine energy balancing masculine; space exploration
  • Consciousness, collective consciousness, vibrations; souls; Notre Dame fire; Robert Mueller’s report; Julian Assange; “black hole” photograph; energy, energy attachments; Jesus: Christed energy, Christ consciousness, Christianity
  • Evolution of Earth civilization; prison and judicial systems; diet; cellular structure; “etheric devices”; mind control; currency revaluation; Illuminati plan for Earth, actual future
  • Two plane crashes; many languages’ effects on communication, interaction; labels; masculine and feminine energies; power of words; measles, vaccines; pornography
  • Turmoil not deterring progress of the light; trauma surfacing so civilization can heal; ego: aspects, how it serves you; journalists, the “news”
  • Indictments of Illuminati principals, reactions; lightworkers’ expanded mission; symptoms of intensifying energy, relief; popes, pedophilia in the priesthood; past, current and future extraterrestrial assistance
  • “Time”; December light; what love is; overview of Earth’s history
  • Forgiveness: importance, power; universal law affecting dark ones, God’s words; changes when Illuminati reign ends
  • Vaccinations; 5G technology; Donald Trump: president, person; responsibility to destroy Illuminati network, world transformation; ET assistance; Disclosure
  • Presidents Trump, Putin; energy, law of attraction; climate change, weather manipulation; acceleration of linear time; activities in Nirvana; Nirvana’s monitors of Earth
  • Putin, Trump private meeting; soul – origin, personage lifetimes, information sources, guidance system, soul cluster, roles, feminine and masculine energies; first incarnation; 3D brain limitations
  • Stress from accelerating vibrations, adapting to changing frequencies, information overload, relief suggestions; discernment; “dumbing-down” of population, cellular changes, DNA manipulation; ADD, ADHD; plastic waste in oceans
  • Immigrants in the US; child trafficking, abusers; tomorrow’s leaders; mass shooters; suicides; natural disasters, weather; extremist views; petitions, generating light
  • North Korea; Iran agreement; asteroid impacting Earth; animals; simultaneous lifetimes; autism, dementia, vaccines; special counsel’s investigation; status of cabal; importance of words
  • Importance of optimism; Putin, Illuminati; personal ascension; soul contracts, pre-birth agreements; “Love Revolution”; Olympics
  • Water; the environment; North, South Korea; school shooting in the US; Second Amendment; “The Event”; Russian “trolls”; young people, social media; vibrations
  • Evidence of change; prejudice; prayer, meditation; collective energy, consciousness; intelligence agents; free will; galactic wars; Lucifer
  • Optimism for 2018; Earth’s steady ascension course; climate change; Presidents Trump, Putin; 2016 US election meddling belief; ET disclosure; uprooting Illuminati; peace within
  • Decade of delay ends; sending love-light; Pope Francis; parallel, possible worlds; appearance of ETs on Earth; universal family relatives
  • Worldwide demands; arrests in Saudi Arabia; symptoms of intensifying energy; children, cell phones, Internet; ETs near Earth; “little greys”
  • Fear, thoughts, feelings; CA wildfires; US President Trump, government; mass shootings; global warming; NESARA, ET involvement; consciousness
  • North Korea; disclosure, NESARA announcement prevented by “9/11”; specific dates in messages; crop circles; turmoil, monster storms; reptilian species, DNA; sending light to dark ones; “good” and “evil”
  • Lightworkers, challenges; low energy; progress milestones; solar eclipse; global warming; mirrors, self-image; false information; NESARA debt forgiveness provision
  • Education in enlightenment; power of souls; Creator’s decree: reason, result, effects for Earth; other civilizations’ assistance
  • Karma, reunions; cells, DNA; communication with cells; lightworkers with different DNA, capabilities; mind control, programming; Russia, President Putin; US President Trump; directing energy
  • Completing 3D karma; collective consciousness; DNA composition, alteration, expansion; world economy reorganization; beliefs, knowing
  • North Korea, missile test; protests, vibrations; anger; karma completion; schoolhouse Earth; helpers from other civilizations
  • Heart, soul; Earth’s Golden Age; ascension; light, love; baptism; Barack Obama; Donald Trump, universal laws’ effects on administration; Vladimir Putin; Global Love Day
  • State of the world; ascension status, planetary and personal
  • Divisiveness, unity; resolution of vibrations’ “standoff”; effects of Women’s March, travel ban; fear; Bernie Sanders; reason messages include political situations; reason messages aren’t more frequent; intuition; love
  • US presidency; no Russia, China war with US; UN Security Council vote re: Israel; weather anomalies, geophysical incidents; information source re: hacked emails; Illuminati status; spiritual, conscious advancement; ET assistance; lightworkers, love energy
  • Magnified emotions; US election: negative reactions, effects of vibrations, unsettled situation; 2017; self-love; love
  • US presidential election
  • Activity in energy field of potential; human cloning; US political scene; Hillary Clinton
  • North Korea; Syria; US election; “9/11”; Vladimir Putin; effects of rising vibrations; love; fear; sending light; robotic, jobs; twin souls; evolving family structure
  • US presidential election, scenarios; energy, vibrations; fear; the power of words; light, lightworkers; sources of divine help
  • Cause of increased violence; US presidency; BREXIT, European Union in Illuminati context; light; refugees; natural disasters; alternative healthcare practitioners, whistleblowers; damaged souls; auras
  • Energy field of potential; light in elections; assurance, no nuclear war; Earth as a schoolhouse; mass shootings in the United States; knowing world happenings; free will; karmic experiences; lightworkers, societal progress; sending love-light
  • Climate change; pole shift; planetary course; US presidential election; awakening, guidance; life purpose; illusion, reality; suicide bombers; faith in humanity’s future
  • Global reset; NESARA’s provisions, history; Illuminati; “Panama papers”; the tithe; centralized governance; resistance to change; “flat” Earth; “New Earth”
  • Discernment about information; young people’s violence; Donald Trump; concepts, reality; anger; “walk-ins”; “whole bodies”; health, stress reduction; pets
  • North Korea; President Putin; Zika virus, microcephaly; refugees; challenges; “true self”; what happens to souls: lingering near Earth, abortion, suicide
  • Climate change agreement; chemtrails; ozone layer; economy; energy in regions of conflict; Islam; religious history, future; mass shootings, karma; Pope Francis, Barack Obama; “authorities”; 9/11 message; vibrations, politics
  • Effects of music; refugees; fear; what prayer is; Nirvana’s composition, population; love
  • Russian plane; attacks in Paris; Illuminati/government; roots of terrorism; energy momentum, changes underway; souls helping souls; twin souls; soul contract flexibility; memory loss; “lost” souls’ progeny
  • Effects of energy surges; pace of progress; spiritual messengers’ experience; lightworkers’ service; events that won’t happen; sonic wave; flight MH370; Khazarians; Pope Francis’ visit to US; angelic realms
  • Insects; international cooperation; active September; Pope Francis; Cecil the lion; global politics; eternal soul; God, Creator; soul, personage makeup; manifestation; dark souls, lost souls, root souls; soul communication, brain, mind; long-life DNA programming
  • Greek vote on referendum; Iran’s nuclear program agreement; Illuminati strength; insects, rats; monatomic gold; teen suicides; petitions; depression; planetary cleansing; Trans Pacific Partnership
  • Current happenings purposeful; momentum in Earth’s energy field of potential; China; “Jade Helm”; Large Hadron Collider; shooting, South Carolina church; transgender; natural disasters; Rockefeller, Rothschild Illuminati factions; solar flares; karmic choices; personal ascension
  • Earthquakes in Nepal in ascension context; Earth’s energy field of potential; Illuminati history; historic exploitation of Earth populations; lightworkers; love-light in everyday life
  • Pre-birth agreements, soul contracts, free will, karma; Germanwings Flight 9525; massacre at university in Kenya; options for souls whose lives end prior to contract completion; various roles in agreements; negative, positive effects of light intensity; invalid assertions; extraterrestrial help
  • Isis; religions’ divisiveness; terrorism, crime; cabal, Illuminati; US Congress; karma’s flexibility; measles, vaccines, autism; Putin, Obama; trees
  • Illuminati role in Ukraine, ISIS; Nirvana: composition, location, residency areas, activities, diverse population
  • AirAsia flight 8501; ferry boat fire; shooting of two US policemen; killings at Charlie Hebdo, Paris; emotions about tragedies; Sony film backlash; Illuminati, entertainment industry; President Obama’s executive order, Cuba; vibrations; densities; personal ascension; Dr. Masuru Emoto, words
  • Traditions of the season; illusion, reality; media; racism, protests in the US; national unrest; karmic choices; release of CIA report; abusive behavior; music
  • Robot landing on comet; voting in SE Ukraine; mid-term election in the US; Pope Francis, the Vatican; Putin’s speech; message from God; “reneging” souls
  • Ebola; ISIS; 2007; 2017; NESARA; Earth’s Golden Age master plan; decade of delay, cause and effect; foreknowledge of free will choices
  • Scotland election; 2017; pessimism in media reporting; message information sources; activity in Earth’s energy field of potential, linear time; Robin Williams; suicide; Islam, Christianity; ISIS; labels
  • Ebola outbreak; other laboratory-designed viruses; ascension-related symptoms; health, soul contracts; strengthening immune system; light absorption; chronic low energy, unbalanced relationships
  • Malaysian plane, “black ops”; Ukraine; Gaza; non-chosen experiencing, karma, divine grace; US government; how light affects a civilization; origin of DNA, physical bodies; photons
  • World status; importance of lightworkers; principles of manifesting; a civilization’s new era; Earth’s energy field of potential; feminine energy; extremist beliefs; helping children
  • Vladimir Putin, Ukraine; China-Russia business deal; racism, history; Barack Obama; war veterans’ healthcare, warring; Pope Francis; the “event”; vibrations of words; love
  • No war in Ukraine; eventually peace in Israel, Palestine; Africa; negativity; consciousness; no nuclear war, reason; restoration of shattered souls; animals’ importance in a civilization’s evolvement; whales; light in compassion, gratitude
  • Matthew, Ashtar and God answer questions regarding the March 20th message about Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370
  • Malaysian flight 370
  • World status; importance of raising vibrations; how soul-level guidelines work; dealing with challenges; helping Earth; “old souls”; remote viewing; languages; soul’s preparation for next personage; Matthew’s service, relation to lightworkers
  • Increasing light; ET assistance at Fukushima; Earth cleansing; moon “spots”; Holy Grail; reincarnation; crucifixion; personages’ collective consciousness; soul station; Matthew’s personages
  • The apostle Matthew
  • Seasonal greeting; Nelson Mandela; our advancement
  • Typhoon Haiyan; mass agreement of souls; assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, his message; comet Ison; ET assistance from antiquity to date; ho’oponopono
  • Positive developments; love-light energy; ascension, health, densities; US government “shutdown”; NSA intelligence gathering; US military officers discharged; Illuminati-controlled CIA faction; marijuana; President Obama, Affordable Healthcare Act; the economy; forgiveness
  • Other types of chemical warfare; Illuminati, dictators; Illuminati in US history; Iran; evidence of light’s progress; recap, Golden Age master plan; magnified behavior, balancing process; peace within is the way to world peace
  • Syria
  • Information outlets; positive vs. negative reporting, perceptions; powerful influence of lightworkers, way-showers; myriad sources of light; message from St. Germain
  • Effects of disclosure of US government documents, George Zimmerman trial
  • US “independence”; God: politics, three levels of action, assessing candidates; multiple effects of prevailing vibrations; memory loss; dietary benefits; balance
  • Turkey; Syria, other mid-eastern countries; China, USA; National Security Agency; Monsanto Protection Act; President Obama; negativity release; nuclear power facilities; nuclear weapons; Bilderberg conference; Canadian Defense Minister, ETs; Hatonn’s comments
  • Higher perspective of Earth; violence, duality; CIA, Boston marathon bombing; Zionist movement; UFO hearings; climate changing
  • North Korea; Pope Francis; the Vatican; visualization; homosexuality
  • Pace of societal progress; law of attraction; ego, consciousness; Barack Obama; Hugo Chavez; “sides” in controversial issues; lightworkers; densities; legal, economic matters; NESARA
  • Power, responsibility for world changes; Pope Benedict’s resignation; Vatican history; North Korea’s nuclear test; cost of war, random violence; employment, productivity transition to peace; status of women and gays; seven decades of progress
  • Dark forces, darkness, dark ones; ascension status; effect of December solstice on Earth’s residents; another civilization’s ascension; global spotlight on women, weapons; traveling through fourth density
  • December 21st reactions, actual effects; beliefs create reality; aftermath of darkness, clearing away “debris”; expectations; God in charge of ET arrival; information sources; ascension smoother from now on; soul and science, same energy
  • Shooting in US school
  • Seasonal emotions; benevolent resolutions to current unrest; Dec 12 and 21 effects; Earth’s ascension process; souls “partnering” with descendents; accomplishments toward Golden Age
  • No Israel-Palestine war; effects of high vibrations on bodies, relief measures; US presidential election; vibratory alignment; Earth regaining balance; civilizations help others by request; ET assistance on and off-planet; prayer; effects of false information; giving thanks
  • Storm Sandy not manmade; law of attraction is cause of current turmoil; energy streamer attachments; political ideologies; reason Earth is ascending; Obama, Golden Age master plan; society in the Golden Age; changes in relationships, the economy; truth is in soul’s messages to consciousness
  • Original Golden Age master plan; most essential reforms to come simultaneously; subsequent changes; disclosure; free will; off-planet light beings’ limitations; Gaia’s vision for Earth; violence in North Africa and Middle East; record of Jesus’ wife; health in fourth density; redistribution of wealth; Earth’s ascension into fifth density
  • Ascension process on target; Earth’s destination fifth density; ongoing ET assistance; disclosure process; Hatonn: Obama reelection key to ET arrival, Golden Age master plan; fear deters soul evolvement
  • No terrorism at Olympics; reasons ETs may arrive sooner than planned; effects of vibrations on Earth clashing with higher frequencies; fear and duality; power outage in India; shooting in Colorado, USA; ETS honor lightworkers; prepare for Golden Age
  • Arrests imminent; world leaders and ETs negotiating, attendees include Illuminati; areas of progress; Obama; everything based in darkness to cease by year end; interim reform initiation; changes after planet enters fourth density; reason for delay of ET landings; responsibilities to self
  • Light’s progress: evidence delayed in some areas, obvious in others; Earth on target to enter fourth density; media reporting; reforms and revelations will be rushed; telepathic communication precautions; resolution of differing beliefs; psychiatric patients; some changes early in the Golden Age; information references
  • Power and expressions of love; soul evolvement; lightworkers’ knowledge, capabilities; nothing to fear
  • Light sources; fearful-sounding disinformation; honoring lightworkers; behind-the-scenes action; significance of recent tragic events; psychic damage of war; effects of collective consciousness; Obama’s comments; ET introduction discussion; Golden Age misconceptions, actuality; prosecution of criminals
  • Fear subsiding in collective consciousness; divine grace in karmic completion; light forces’ success against Illuminati; developments in coming months; Zionism; duality, divisiveness; family pre-birth agreements; children living in Nirvana
  • Effects of negative thoughts; dispelling fear; evidence of light’s progress; reasons for delay in initiating major reforms; cause of global “hum”; chakras; new monetary system; science vs universal reality; sex in fifth density; gods and goddesses
  • Outlooks on state of the world; importance of light to bodies; changes in Nirvana; departure of souls, other developments this year; no armed conflicts with Iran or North Korea; US national defense authorization bill; Illuminati recent history in US, President Barack Obama
  • Christmas message
  • Energy surge 11/11/11; Illuminati activities will wind down; fear; origin and purpose of free will and karma; how negativity began; Creator’s amendments to Its law of free will; importance of balance; God’s explanation; goal of all souls; first, second density life forms; model communities
  • Message from Gaia; “Arab Spring”; unstoppable momentum of changes; focus for, not against; collective consciousness; sharing knowledge as way-showers; life in the Golden Age; self-discoveries; planetary alignment; bodies in fourth density and beyond; guidance for novice telepathic communicators
  • Illuminati status; forthcoming truths; uneasiness; vibrations, law of attraction; how prayer works; Golden Age dates; density, two definitions; planet and population; effects of sound, words
  • Stock markets; Murdoch’s media empire; plight of Somalis; riots in England; US Congress; duality’s last gasp; US President Obama; lightworkers’ readiness, missions; changes ahead; aspects of the Golden Age; explanation of densities; unseen helpers
  • Souls awakening; intended purpose of US independence; Illuminati defectors; 3D karmic completion; chemtrails; manmade weather; telepathic connections; Elenin disinformation; effects of fear; preparation for multidimensionality
  • Golden Age threshhold on target; reasons for imminent arrival of space family; effects of high and low frequencies, suggestions for relief; spiritual perspective of dark ones on the planet; no mass exodus during Earth’s ascension; lightworkers’ participation in world transformation
  • DNA manipulation; Osama bin Laden deception; Mother’s Day
  • Hatonn: Japan’s nuclear facility/radiation/assistance, HAARP etc. technologies; Matthew: prevalence, effects of fear; Lazarus: variety of ET help; Menta: civilization make-up, assistance; Matthew: multidimensional selves
  • Knowledge emerging about manmade quakes, weather manipulation; radiation in Japan, ET assistance; Hatonn: difficulties in dismantling Illuminati-controlled technology; freedom fighters in Arab countries; higher perspective of Libya
  • Earthquake, tsunami in Japan; collective consciousness shifts; challenges ahead; transitioning souls, personalized care; ascension pace accelerated; intrinsic values vs. trivial interests; fabricated image of US; mental, emotional illness; a better world for children
  • Egypt, Tunisia; lightworkers; living your light; economic systems, next reforms; other areas of change; telepathic connections, guidance; discernment, guidance; free will; soulmates
  • Tucson, AZ shooting; mass deaths of birds, fish; manmade weather; Wikileaks’ effect; Haiti; pole shift; human cloning; soul contracts, multiple lifetimes; 2012/Golden Age misconceptions, reality
  • Emotions intensified in this season; angels’ presence; ascension on target; changes to come swiftly; unions in higher densities; pets ascend with families; employment in Golden Age; Wikileaks; telepathic communication; relationships in the continuum
  • National elections; divisiveness of duality; global warming; truths, reforms to come rapidly; spacecraft sightings; rescue of Chile’s miners; balance; feminine and masculine energy make-up, effects; karma; two types of density—soul status and form; Nirvana—composition, residents
  • Hatonn: ET update; perspectives; Obama. Matthew: economy, 9/11; light absorption indication; peace, love; guidance to overcome addictions; karma; diet; animal souls; changes in education, learning abilities
  • Media control lessening; light source, purposes, receiving; ascension requirements; spiritual preparedness; detachment; Pakistan flooding, Hurricane Earl; law of attraction; partisan politics; ET presence, option to TV program
  • Effects of ascension’s late stages; suggestions to relieve symptoms; weather technology; ascension data, who will go along with Earth; animals; 2012; Gulf oil spill; Obama, law of attraction; media, discernment; delayed announcement of ET presence, landings; economy
  • Current events in the context of Earth’s ascension
  • Gulf of Mexico oil spill; grassroots efforts for “green world”; truth disclosures speeding up; Earth’s energy field of potential; Illuminati, clones; astrological influences; history, new direction of religions
  • SEC vs. Goldman Sachs; Illuminati—composition, past and current activities; reptilians; lawsuit against pedophile Boy Scout leader; Iceland’s volcanic eruption; plane crash, death of Poland’s president, et al; tea party movement; economic concerns, resolution; presence of spirits; music in Golden Age; effects of gun use on soul growth; life forms designed with malevolence; enough souls for fetuses; Global Love Day May 1
  • Chile earthquake manmade; Illuminati failings; positive developments in many areas; effects of goddess energy; women’s self-perception; opposition in political arenas; timeframe determination difficulties; the Vatican; various destinies of souls
  • Earthquake in Haiti – cause, effects; sending light to dark-hearted individuals; power of negative thoughts; global economy, debts; answers within; vegetarian diets; stargates; no “second Earth”; reincarnation
  • Global warming; Earth’s restoration; third density cause, effects; economy; Norway spiral; TV announcement ET presence; reasons souls will leave planet; violence; entertainment 2012 and beyond; brain, soul relationship
  • Light of sharing; Norway phenomenon ET produced; Obama; energy for change growing worldwide; life in Heaven; the soul, soul reunions; prayers; universal law of attraction; karma; Earth humankind origin; whales; animal evolution; message from 9/11 souls; love, fear; convictions create; peace coming; direct connection with God; synchronicity; ET helpers
  • Energy of anticipation; ET disclosure TV program, background; “V,” “2012” and other fear tactics; illness in Ukraine; power of love; god/goddess soul essence; children’s bodies 3D to 4D; intuition, thoughts; duality’s challenges; soul contract, pre-birth agreement
  • Public acknowledgement soon of other civilizations; other truths will emerge later; “open window” for ascension; changes to come; physical death of those who refuse light; Golden Age government; moderate temperatures; emotions, bodies in higher densities; relationship of soul, fetus
  • Duality, reason for resistance to change; Illuminati Plans A, B and C; effects of “time” acceleration; status of the economy; false channeled information sources; effects of light absorption; prayer; Earth’s axis; long hidden truths soon to be disclosed
  • Duality ending; steps to rid Earth of dark influence; radiate your light; mandatory swine flu inoculations; results of fear; specific help from other civilizations
  • Outpouring of love for Michael Jackson; mandatory swine flu inoculations; contrived appearance of stable economic foundation; spiritual evolution underway; “dire predictions” false information
  • Obama administration activities; Illuminati complex power base, hierarchy; space family; conversation with reptilian fleet commander
  • US Memorial Day; variables in ascertaining timing; Illuminati obstructing Obama’s intentions; Cheney; global economy not stabilized; vibratory levels, consciousness; Susan Boyle; misperceptions about NESARA; swine flu; mental disorders no bar to physical ascension; souls reincarnating in same country, religion; Earth’s ascension
  • Swine flu outbreak an Illuminati failed plan
  • Third density energy playing out; Earth’s ascension progress; simpler lifestyle compatible with advanced technology; evolving human nature; “time” in the continuum; life in the Golden Age; multiple lifetimes for balanced experiencing; psychics’ information sources; recap of messages’ content
  • Importance of collective consciousness; dark forces altered human DNA; signs of cellular changes; ways to ease adjustment to changes, higher frequencies; sending light to dark souls; directing light, love; DNA repair of shattered souls; Obama’s administration, changes coming; truths that will come forth; global economy status; “grassroots” movement; fires in Australia; chanting; fourth and fifth densities
  • Description of highly evolved civilization; collective consciousness, Earth’s and the universe’s; ascension, individuals’ and Earth’s; life mission; light absorption; global economy reforms needed; technologies; whales; stasis; reasons for differences in channeled information
  • High vibrations of inauguration; event in universal context; Earth speedily regaining health; global economy, individuals’ contribution; NESARA, what it does not include; Gaza, Zionists; aspects of karma; walk-ins; “station” explained; plane sabotaged
  • Effects of hope, optimism; feelings during holiday season; patience during transitional stages; soul-level preparedness to deal with economy; proof of off-planet assistance; active involvement in change processes; “harmonic wave”; density’s two meanings; human DNA; methods of “dumbing down”; divisiveness of labels; consciousness of everything in existence; importance of art; effects of music; aspects of Christmas 2008
  • Significance of Obama’s election; planning of Earth’s Golden Age; global economic situation; accelerated manifesting; Bush, Illuminati roles, results and consequences
  • October 14 lightship – reason, reactions for non-appearance; other civilizations’ previous contact with Earth; global economy removal from Illuminati control, weathering economic turmoil; some souls’ life purpose; universal law of attraction; US presidential election; proposed new Ecuadorian constitution; what to expect of Golden Age, transitional stage; succinct guideline for spiritual journey
  • Global economic situation, ultimate outcome; Sarah Palin; why Obama will be US president; “Impending Event Alert”; predictions that won’t materialize; bad dreams; chiropractic philosophy; diet, health, Golden Age; energy of ascended masters, others; only off-planet light beings near our solar system; “behind the scenes” of Gustav, Ike; Pakistan suicide bombing “black ops”
  • Feelings of light beings in spirit worlds; duality in humankind ending; importance of synchronicity; acceleration in all aspects of life; responsibility to Self; Hatonn: October 14 appearance of large space ship; telepathic communication; preparation for ascension; diet; addicts; world transformation on steady course
  • Reformation of US, world economy; Barack Obama; evolved souls apolitical; overview of Illuminati history, current status; “red flag” in channeled messages; mainstream media control cracking; leadership changes worldwide; 2012, Mayan calendar; ET landings
  • US Independence; university graduation ceremony, example of global happenings; Barack Obama; food shortages, ethanol; weather technology; Tree Peoples’ message; Tim Russet; Mideast situation; Zimbabwe; drugs; Jesus, Mother Mary/Christed light energy; 2012
  • Higher meaning of Myanmar and China disasters; negativity reduction; examples of duality; global economy, sharing; third density karma; sources of light; Obama in US presidency, ending of “secret government”; don’t fear dire predictions, claims; life missions will unfold; care necessary in telepathic communications; “homework” assignments
  • Assurance vs. fear-mongering; no nuclear war; duality winding down; a staged “space invasion”?; prepare children for the future; Earth happenings affect the universe; chemtrails; reforestation; animal extinction; animals’ angels; souls helping others in financial adversity; a “heavenly” birthday
  • Golden Age view of Earth; dark plans won’t reach fruition; effects of frequencies/pollution, ways to relieve symptoms; global economy, national leadership reforms; energy field of potential; soul, cumulative soul
  • Mother Earth; discernment, intuition; guidance for awakening souls, lightworkers; obvious changes; no Iran invasion; state of the economy; reasons for increased spacecraft sightings; no evacuation needed; Do Not Fear!
  • US primaries; the economy, changes; Illuminati group, control crashing; ethanol; Internet; importance of sound; turmoil, violence in third density and universal contexts; other civilizations’ help in world transformation
  • Matthew’s “Essay on 2012,” Chapter “2012” from the book AND THEN GOD SAID…THEN I SAID…THEN HE SAID
  • Holiday season emotions; overview of changes during 2008; increased need for precautions in all undertakings; necessity of learning discernment, trusting intuition; new approach to questions and answers
  • Presidential order re: Iraq war dissenters; “Fire the Grid” and “7-7-7” effects. SPECIAL – Message from God
  • Fire the Grid July 17th
  • Media reporting; legal processes against top officials in US government; explosives in London cars “black-ops”; discernment, intuition; religious dogmas; ego; relationships; chemtrails; independence from external information sources; distractions; DNA changes; the Holocaust in universal context; indications of light within souls; disarming fear
  • US budget bill vote; presidential authority executive order; wildlife deaths; cetacean souls, energy; poisoned pet food; dreams of violence; say “no” to fear; amended soul contracts; health risks from cell phones and other products; examples of belief systems’ effectiveness; marijuana; “fast track” education for young children
  • Virginia Tech shooting; how souls help each other; effects of energy magnifying characteristics, feelings; everyone’s contribution to the light valuable; importance of balance; honeybees’ disappearance, Devic kingdom assistance; status of war, troop withdrawal, future of Iraq; FDA control of nutritional supplements; effects of fear; Global Love Day
  • Peace demonstrations add light, don’t continue polarity; reasons for free will; encouragement, being prepared necessary; sending light; biblical Jesus, global warming controversies; no heavy-duty attack on Iran seen in energy field of potential; “The Secret”; importance of color, tone; race called Sasquatch and Yeti
  • Slumbering souls; first part of “God: More of Who I Am” chapter in ILLUMINATIONS FOR A NEW ERA
  • Continuation of “God: More of Who I Am” chapter in ILLUMINATIONS FOR A NEW ERA
  • Continuation of “God: More of Who I Am” chapter in ILLUMINATIONS FOR A NEW ERA
  • Conclusion of “God: More of Who I Am” chapter in ILLUMINATIONS FOR A NEW ERA
  • Observations about “the Oscars”; collective consciousness; “Believe in yourselves!”; unconditional love; US presidential candidates; more evidence of crumbling Bush administration; soulmates, twin flames; causes of dying animal species; parallel and probable lives; records disproving the biblical story of Jesus
  • Iraq war escalation an Illuminati decision; no full-scale war in Iran; ET technology reducing worst effects of pollution; global warming leading to moderate global climate; guideline for trusting intuition; love, key to all healing; benefits of monatomic gold; adverse effects of vaccines, prescription drugs; tribal use of hallucinogens; helping animals end suffering; goddess energy
  • New energy momentum for peace; Illuminati influence, control waning; energy that delays progress of change; young and older leaders appearing; power of words; importance of monatomic gold in bodies; de-evolution of DNA; origin of Earth’s spirit world; soul contract possible reason for illness; future potential for people in health care fields; this lifetime is last opportunity to complete third density karma on Earth
  • True NESARA explanation; soul-to-consciousness communication; developing discernment; soul contracts, primary missions; dreams; animal souls; current world update; summary of previously covered information; question guideline; Christmastime’s highly mixed emotions
  • US election results in universal context; moving out of third density thinking; how love-light works
  • North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan; Earth’s ascension on target despite lingering darkness; higher frequencies magnifying feelings, October 17 light event; Israel, Zionists; Ecoli no scare; US political scene; reptilians; purpose of SDI; dementia, ADHD
  • Special message about September 11, 2001
  • Special NESARA edition
  • Plane-bombing plot more ruse, deception; NO nuclear war in Lebanon; Zionists don’t represent most Israelis, Jews; economic outlook, resources reallocation; geophysical events, “global warming”; repeal of unjust laws worldwide; Matthew’s requests regarding questions; cremation, burial; US November election; effects of feminine/goddess energy; illness, aging outlook
  • No all-out war Israel-Lebanon; factors behind Mideast violence; prevention of NYC subway bombing a “tall tale”; original, amended soul contracts; Fitzgerald, Plame/Wilson lawsuit; discernment, trusting intuition imperative; some channeled information from dark sources; Buffet’s “generosity”; Adam, energy healer; “ultimate encouragement”
  • Reaction is a choice; results of fear; advice to energy healers and telepathic receivers; light workers, light weavers; Rove result “skullduggery”; likely course of truth emerging; celestial activity; we’re innately prepared for transitional “bumps”; military draft outlook; ELM effects; immigration reform in US; Feng Shui; key to relationships; archangels, other spirit helpers; prayer.
  • No tsunami as predicted; don’t lapse into fear; importance of discernment; frenetic energy when dark lies revealed; indictments coming; Moussaoi trial; “hooker-gate”; loyal CIA vs. Illuminati-controlled faction; darkness in the Vatican; religious devout reactions; telepathic communication; mass consciousness; Morgellons disease
  • “Bird flu” movie to be on ABC network; inoculations; no comet-Earth collision; Iraq war; Illuminati membership, activities; Muslim religion; soul contracts of people affected by depleting uranium; sending light; health situations; meat in diets
  • Incursions into Iran possible, no full-scale war; dark force field gone, influence of Earth puppets waning; global warming leading to moderate climates globally; souls from other civilizations completing third density karmic experiencing on Earth, “volunteer” ETs also on planet; majority of people are adding light; global economy; everything in the universe has consciousness level; appearance of albino animals heralds peace
  • Matthew’s information sources; life in spirit; gods and goddesses; Illuminati power base shattered; Bush et al seeking legal means to stay in office; spiritually-based organizations; soul contracts re: ascension with Earth; US spacecraft; inhabitants of “hollow” Earth
  • World is being fixed; great challenge will be reeducating adherents of religions; dark forces step up efforts to infiltrate souls; people most vulnerable to dark influence; how to recognize dark souls; protection from darkness; guidance for telepathic communication and checking sources
  • Energy generated by Olympics and Super Bowl; UFOs over Torino; Illuminati behind cartoons of Mohammed; state of the world, no WWIII; getting past fear; guideline for spiritual pathway; anti-christ, Maitreya; Findhorn Community
  • Indictments served Bush, others; other lawsuits adding to energy momentum; more defectors from dark agenda joining light workers; purpose of media’s focus; DO NOT FEAR; use discernment in channeled information; chemtrails; bodies healed in higher densities; AIDS; obesity in spiritual context; John Lennon and MLK; happenings in sleep state, dreams
  • Significance of new year; Holy Grail is the soul; difference between Creator and God; Hatonn’s clarification of NESARA
  • Brilliant light of hope and gratitude; reforms momentum continues; participation in Earth’s ascendance a tribute to our soul evolution; “String Theory”; technological devices; “Little Greys”; easing into the continuum; sex, sexuality, relationships; animals’ evolution, emotional range
  • No bird flu, nuclear detonations in space, or land/sea mass changes; light-dark battle is for souls; the Illuminati; soul messages; Bush administration crumbling; barter; star gates; organ transplants; religion vs. spirituality; being spiritually prepared; “11s”; life in the Golden Era
  • Libby indictment; no bird flu, martial law or new warfronts; warmonger is the Illuminati; truth of “9/11” will come out; “purest” truth is within each soul; Fitzgerald protected; “peak oil” a dark contrivance; changes during planet’s transitional phase; linear time collapsing; beloved animals ascend with Earth
  • Don’t fear lab-made bird flu virus; mainstream media reporting anti-administration news; climate changes leading to Earth’s restoration; Asian earthquake: volunteer souls aid planetary cleansing activity; re-educating adults about “new world”; changes ahead in children’s education; suggestions, guidance for parents of children with autism or ADHD; the economy; therapy for healing psyches; love in action
  • Levees in New Orleans detonated; emotions in the higher vibrations; what is behind Rita; wise leadership by year end; Katrina death toll; war troop casualties; FEMA; “All my love”
  • Hurricane Katrina; karmic completion for souls who transitioned; Iraq’s near future; invasion of Iran delayed; military coup in US unlikely; universal language of souls to body cells; tonal absorption
  • Status of potential Iran invasion and US mainland terrorist acts; fear factors; importance of steadfastness in the light
  • Invasion of Iran potential; indictment of Bush et al status
  • Addendum to July 16, 2005 message; message from Hatonn about NESARA
  • Bombings in London caused by CIA; light momentum unstoppable; major changes by year end; send light to all souls
  • Positive changes in US and other countries; everyone chose role in this unprecedented time; Sol and sunscreens; Michael Jackson fairly acquitted; spontaneous human combustion; diets and nutrients; current entertainment; underground lab experiments; the importance of music
  • Status update; war with Iran may be avoided; DU and other toxins; light-generating activities; reality vs. illusion; monetary system change; stem cell research; cell phones; global warming; inner Earth inhabitants
  • Pope Benedict XVI; Moussaoui “confession”; sacred sites; ascension of mentally ill, prisoners; White Brotherhood; The Da Vinci Code; importance of sound and silence
  • Be discerning in all information; Pope John Paul and Terri Schiavo; Nirvana, a multilayered realm; Earth steadily on ascension course; Codex Alimentarius; the eyes of dark souls; economic outlook; animals’ spiritual awareness; no bioengineered pandemic
  • UFO TV program; ET assistance, landings in Himalayas; Bermuda Triangle; moon landings; photon belt; dolphin and whale beaching; spiritual preparedness; “Second Coming” and “First Contact”
  • Some causes of current physical, emotional conditions and helpful suggestions; cellular changes; economic situation; vitamins, diet supplements; melting polar regions; Indigo, Crystal children; walk-in souls
  • Extent of geophysical events; fear intentionally created by US legislation; prayers for Iraq and its people; emotions of high light beings related to ours; ET life on moons in our solar system; increasing light intensity will be exposing more deception; possibility of ET visitors by mid-year
  • Aftermath of earthquake and tsunami; reception of souls who perished; 2005—a year of transition
  • Unstable US economy and logical expectations; NESARA’s economic reforms; incoming goddess energy; souls to include in holiday thankfulness
  • Difference between Creator’s cosmic laws and God’s universal laws; how laws have been “broken”; massive ET assistance to Earth starting about 60 years ago; ask ETs for individual help; how ET assistance will help us
  • Light intensity greatly heightened by voters; two vital reasons election outcome is advantageous; harsh times will continue until dark energy runs its course
  • Election outcome: candidate whose Illuminati faction won the infighting; voting created light; keep faith in the light
  • ET light beings vigilant; pre-election activity from high light vantage point; “energy bump” after election; individual and collective karma still in effect; dire environmental predictions will not come to pass; why we must ask for ET assistance beyond Earth’s own requests
  • Purpose of no specific dates in channeled information; “flashlight” method to send light to people who do abhorrent things; examples of reform initiatives; life forms in first and second densities; essence of love-light
  • Hurricanes in Florida; much higher death toll than official count; weather technology; ET technology ameliorates effects of geophysical events; power struggle between Illuminati’s two factions, each backing a major party presidential candidate
  • “Recalcitrant” souls; more about 2012; destructive politics; release of small funds; restoration of Earth—changes to anticipate; soul-less clones; ET assistance during and after Earth’s ascension into fourth density
  • Illuminati control of mainstream media beginning to crack; the President Bush seen publicly is a clone; infighting of the two Illuminati factions in US politics; recent entertainment showing “quest for truth”; minor funding changes starting; love will eliminate oppressive aspects of cultures and religions; discernment of all information essential; geophysical events to continue; the importance of sending love-light to all souls, judging none
  • No US election postponement seen; Illuminati will determine presidential victor; Matthew’s service throughout galaxies; significant development: Earth will ascend at desired pace, not wait for all dark souls to embrace the light; reforms in NESARA going ahead without its announcement
  • Scientific evidence of changing DNA; comments about 2012; we chose to participate in Earth’s ascension process; knowing truth prepares spiritually for changes
  • Do not go into fear over fear-filled reports; manipulation of economies; US bankrupt; ETs’ technology prevents major terrorist threats; reasons to suspect US administration in 9/11
  • Creating fear the objective of publicizing terrorist threats; CIA “Black Ops”; dire predictions invalid; animals on Earth, just as in Nirvana, will live peaceably together; significance of Venus in alignment with Earth; planets are evolving souls
  • Why NESARA is controversial; progress of its intent without announcement; many cases of torture and killing are chosen karmic lessons; ETs within, on and surrounding Earth; more about 2012; how the dark forces control; more geophysical events to come
  • Dark forces’ fear causes desperate acts; light increasingly exposing deceit and corruption; light and dark reptilians on Earth; NESARA’s intent; negativity caused by inhumane treatment of animals; transitional steps to a better world; microchips; ET prevention of major terrorist attempts
  • Complexities of getting NESARA announced; off-planet reptilians control Illuminati; process of changes and reforms globally; collapse of linear time; illusion vs. reality; Ralph Nader; Dennis Kucinich; President Bush and John Kerry are Illuminati; Hubble telescope—Mars; “The Passion of Christ”; remedies for temporary physical and emotional discomfort due to effects of higher frequencies; harmful effects of prescription drugs
  • US presidential directives and legislation regarding national emergencies; purpose of fear tactics
  • No nuclear detonations in space; intent of Illuminati; fate of dark souls; ASK space beings for help; journey of the soul
  • Iran earthquake natural, not manmade; accumulation of negativity in Mideast; real Saddam Hussein not “captured”; potential terrorist alerts; purposeful media diversion; laboratory-made diseases; no disease in higher frequencies; dark forces fight NESARA; media blackout for Dennis Kucinich; telepathic connections opening